Corporate Affiliation Disclosure
Relationship Between Wholistic Services and Wholistic Management Inc. Wholistic Services is an affiliate of Wholistic Management Inc. This affiliation was established to optimize operational efficiency and ensure compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.
Scope of Relationship: Wholistic Management Inc. is the legal entity that provides comprehensive management services for Wholistic Services and other affiliated Wholistic entities.
Legal Structure: As the management entity, Wholistic Management Inc. assumes fiduciary responsibility for the financial operations of Wholistic Services while maintaining appropriate corporate separations as required by law. This structure allows Wholistic Services to focus on its core operations while benefiting from centralized administrative support.
Governance: All financial transactions, contractual obligations, and regulatory filings involving Wholistic Services are managed, processed, and/or overseen by Wholistic Management Inc. in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry best practices.
Contact Information: For inquiries regarding financial matters related to Wholistic Services, please contact Wholistic Management Inc. at: